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At Quito Legal we specialize in the advice and management of non-governmental organizations and local and abroad foundations. Although they constitute a society, it requires specific regulations established in Ecuadorian legislation to fulfil its obligations that cannot be taken lightly. We have constituted and advised a number of Ecuadorian non-governmental organizations and in the signing of the basic operation agreement of foreign non-governmental organizations. Our field of action focuses among others, on the following:

  • Constitution of Foundations
  • Basic Agreement for the Operation of Foreign Societies
  • Advice and support in compliance with obligations before regulatory bodies
  • Advice, analysis and drafting of contracts, agreements or memoranda of understanding
  • Liquidation of Non-Governmental Organizations

Our Partners

“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also
dream; not only plan, but also believe”

Anatole France

copyright Quito Legal

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